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Uploaded by - CORSAIR V.E.A.F
Date - 11/27/2022 21:46:06
This mission "Traffic Police" is the number 3 of "Operation Fugu" campaign inspired by the "Operation Diodon" mission during the Lebanon war from 1982 to 1984.
The Multinational Security Force in Lebanon was created in September 1982 at the Lebanese request to the Secretary General of the United Nations and dissolved in March 1984 following the double attack against the French and American contingents.
Assignment:help the Lebanese army restore the authority of its government in and around Beirut. Ensuring the safety of civilian populations.
Four countries made up this multinational force: the United States, France, Italy and the United Kingdom. A strong naval presence ensuring their support off Lebanon.
The war is complex, marked by rifts between religious communities, militias, phalanxes, traffickers, and by foreign interventions (Syria, Arab League, Israel, Iran, etc...).
This Campaign is part of this context of both "neither war nor peace" with a wide variety of helicopter mission
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 52.71 Mb
  • Downloaded: 331
  • Comments: 0
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Uploaded by - CORSAIR V.E.A.F
Date - 11/27/2022 21:29:05
This mission "Patrol Border" is the number 2 of "Operation Fugu" campaign is inspired by the "Operation Diodon" mission during the Lebanon war from 1982 to 1984.
The Multinational Security Force in Lebanon was created in September 1982 at the Lebanese request to the Secretary General of the United Nations and dissolved in March 1984 following the double attack against the French and American contingents.
Assignment:help the Lebanese army restore the authority of its government in and around Beirut. Ensuring the safety of civilian populations.
Four countries made up this multinational force: the United States, France, Italy and the United Kingdom. A strong naval presence ensuring their support off Lebanon.
The war is complex, marked by rifts between religious communities, militias, phalanxes, traffickers, and by foreign interventions (Syria, Arab League, Israel, Iran, etc...).
This Campaign is part of this context of both "neither war nor peace" with a wide variety of helicopter mission
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 41.47 Mb
  • Downloaded: 347
  • Comments: 1
Any version
Uploaded by - CORSAIR V.E.A.F
Date - 11/27/2022 21:10:30
This mission "Deployment" is the number 1 of "Operation Fugu" campaign is inspired by the "Operation Diodon" mission during the Lebanon war from 1982 to 1984.
The Multinational Security Force in Lebanon was created in September 1982 at the Lebanese request to the Secretary General of the United Nations and dissolved in March 1984 following the double attack against the French and American contingents.
Assignment:help the Lebanese army restore the authority of its government in and around Beirut. Ensuring the safety of civilian populations.
Four countries made up this multinational force: the United States, France, Italy and the United Kingdom. A strong naval presence ensuring their support off Lebanon.
The war is complex, marked by rifts between religious communities, militias, phalanxes, traffickers, and by foreign interventions (Syria, Arab League, Israel, Iran, etc...).
This Campaign is part of this context of both "neither war nor peace" with a wide variety of helicopter missions
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 26.59 Mb
  • Downloaded: 410
  • Comments: 8
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Uploaded by - CORSAIR V.E.A.F
Date - 07/11/2022 20:40:38
Une éruption volcanique a eu lieu sur l’ile de Pagan dans le pacifique. Cette éruption est similaire à celle du Volcan Hunga aux iles Tonga, le 15 janvier 2022.
Une importante explosion a précédé l’éruption de laves basaltiques, et a fait sauter le « bouchon » ce qui a provoqué une onde de choc sur les villages situés en contrebas. On déplore des morts et des personnes semblent encore coincées sous les décombres. Le volcan est toujours actif et il a été décidé d’évacuer l’île en urgence. Le commandant de la flotte a décidé de lancer les 5 hélicoptères à sa disposition dans cette opération de secours. Le dé des aéronefs se fera à 5h15 précise, de sorte que l’opération urgente puisse commencer dès les premières lueurs du jours. Les hélicoptères sont équipés de fusées éclairantes afin de pouvoir illuminer les zones d’atterrissages.
Votre mission « Uzi Free » consiste à effectuer dans un premier temps un vol de reconnaissance de la partie nord de l’île.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 47.74 Mb
  • Downloaded: 305
  • Comments: 4
Any version
Type - Document
Uploaded by - CORSAIR V.E.A.F
Date - 07/08/2022 18:33:29
Avec l'arrivée de la 2.7, certains aiment faire des approches IFR puisque les conditions météo sont beaucoup plus réalistes et qu'on peut désormais avoir la chance de faire atterrir nos chers avions par un temps de merde !
Cartes d'approche aéroport basées sur la réalité et adaptées à l'univers DCS. Routes et cartes IFR.
Les caps d'approche, NDB, VOR, VORTAC, TACAN, balises ILS, fréquences, cap, altitudes, coordonnées GPS sont vérifiés et corrigés pour correspondre à l'univers DCS !
J'ai adapté les cartes d'approche réelles existantes au jeu en les adaptant (modifié les patrons et les angles de piste qui sont ceux du DCS) et elles sont lisibles en VR.
J'ai également créé des cartes pour les parkings et les itinéraires de navigation. D'autres aéroports sont en travaux et je mettrai à jour le dossier.
Je vous souhaite à tous une bonne utilisation ! Cartes d'approche disponibles pour les théâtres Syriens, Mariannes et Golfe Persique
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 57.8 Mb
  • Downloaded: 602
  • Comments: 1
Any version
Type - Document
Uploaded by - CORSAIR V.E.A.F
Date - 03/26/2022 10:51:49
With the arrival of 2.7, some like to carry out IFR approaches since the weather conditions are much more realistic and we can now have the chance to land our dear planes in shitty weather!
Airport approach charts based on reality and adapted to the DCS universe.
Approach headings, NDB, VOR, VORTAC, TACAN, ILS beacons, frequencies, heading, altitudes, GPS coordinates are checked and corrected to match the DCS universe!
I adapted the existing real approach maps to the game by adapting them (modified the paterns and the runway angles which are those of DCS) and they are readable in VR.
I also created maps for car parks and navigation routes.
I wish you all good use! Approach charts available for Syrian, Marianas, South Atlantic and Persian Gulf theaters !
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 10.52 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1147
  • Comments: 7
Any version
Type - Document
Uploaded by - CORSAIR V.E.A.F
Date - 02/02/2022 21:11:13
With the arrival of 2.7, some like to carry out IFR approaches since the weather conditions are much more realistic and we can now have the chance to land our dear planes in shitty weather!
Airport approach charts based on reality and adapted to the DCS universe.
Approach headings, NDB, VOR, VORTAC, TACAN, ILS beacons, frequencies, heading, altitudes, GPS coordinates are checked and corrected to match the DCS universe!
I adapted the existing real approach maps to the game by adapting them (modified the paterns and the runway angles which are those of DCS) and they are readable in VR.
I also used the real maps for the car parks to be closer to reality. Other airports are in the works and I will update the file. New airports to come within 1 or 2 months for the SYRIA map. Approach charts available for Syrian, Marianas, Persian Gulf, and South Atlantic theaters.
I wish you all good use !
Comentaries are welcome !
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 73.23 Mb
  • Downloaded: 2278
  • Comments: 11
Any version
Type - Document
Uploaded by - CORSAIR V.E.A.F
Date - 02/02/2022 20:52:30
Avec l'arrivée de la 2.7 certains aiment réaliser des approches IFR vu que les conditions climatiques sont beaucoup plus réalistes et que l'on peut maintenant avoir la chance de poser nos chers avions en bénéficiant d'une météo de merde !
Cartes d'approches aéroports réalisées à partir du réel et adaptées à l'univers DCS.
Les caps d'approches, les balises NDB, VOR, VORTAC, TACAN, ILS, fréquences, cap, altitudes, coordonnées GPS sont vérifiées et rectifiées pour correspondre à l'univers de DCS !
J’ai adapté les cartes d’approches réelles existantes au jeu en les adaptant (modifié les patern et les angles de piste qui sont ceux de DCS) et elles sont lisibles en VR.
J’ai également utilisé les cartes réelles pour les parkings pour être plus proche de la réalité. Carte dispo, Syrie, Marianas, South Atlantic
Je vous en souhaite bon usage à tous !
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 50.08 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1244
  • Comments: 1
Any version
Type - Document
Uploaded by - CORSAIR V.E.A.F
Date - 02/02/2022 20:45:11
With the arrival of 2.7, some like to carry out IFR approaches since the weather conditions are much more realistic and we can now have the chance to land our dear planes in shitty weather!
Airport approach charts based on reality and adapted to the DCS universe.
Approach headings, NDB, VOR, VORTAC, TACAN, ILS beacons, frequencies, heading, altitudes, GPS coordinates are checked and corrected to match the DCS universe!
I adapted the existing real approach maps to the game by adapting them (modified the paterns and the runway angles which are those of DCS) and they are readable in VR.
I also used the real maps for the car parks to be closer to reality. Other airports are in the works and I will update the file. 4 airports to come within 1 or 2 months for the Persian Gulf. Approach charts available for Syrian, Marianas, Persian Gulf, and South Atlantic theaters
I wish you all good use!

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 83.66 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1848
  • Comments: 3